Saturday, 9 March 2013

Animatic - Remus and First Sound track - Felim

Animatic with sound

Remus: Just finished editing this morning after working on it a bit last night. I also added the background music the band is playing, fits with Felim’s ambient noises very nicely. The final audio for this should be much more polished (with all of the audio tracks set at an appropriate level, all of the other sound effects included etc.), but so far I think we’re more than halfway done with the sound. The line Fred read a bit faster (the “chisel enough dough etc.”) didn’t work that well with the rest of his dialogue so I had to not use that. Also, slowing down Fred’s dialogue for the Mule to change the pitch ended up lowering the sound quality considerably (I tried it in After Effects – maybe with some other sound editing software it would work). I was also thinking about having the end scene also be the title and credit scene, so we could maybe cheat our way into making it a couple of seconds longer – if not we would have to cut a bit of the background shots. Note – Viemo Compressed the audio in a strange way, the background stuff is supposed to be a bit louder.

Me: This is great – initially i was all for George’s piece of music he found, but after watching it with the background sounds and the other voice overs, i am just not too sure that it works that well. I think we should look into the music sound track a little more. As much as it is a nice piece of music, we need it to correlate some what with the visuals on screen (and i’m not feeling it). Everything else is fantastic but i just feel like we have settled for a track and not thought about it in great detail, and it would be a shame to settle for second best.

Me: Well, after watching it another few times … If you are determined to use the music track then i would advice that we make the violins stop when the coin falls. Otherwise you have the coin spinning with the violins and then the coin stops and the violins are still going. We need to make a relationship between the music and the visuals. I think it would fit better if you move the sound track up a little bit to fit the coin spin?

Remus: Sure, as I said this is still an unpolished version of the soundtrack. I’ll try editing the music so it fits more with the animation and also try some more of the songs I had in mind. I’ll be working with George and Felim on it.

Me: Okay brill, i will try and have a look around the house this weekend for some CD’s that could be of help. Ill sort it all out when i finish work later this evening! 

Remus: No need to worry that much about the music Caylee, you have enough to work to do already already (you could also start working on the colour for a scene I’ll be putting up later on today if you have the time). Me, George and Felim will discuss how we can fix the music the music – as me and George already have selected quite a few songs we could use.

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